I feel like strawberries mark the beginning of summer - the first fruits, if you will. Their arrival brings hope and sunshine and... strawberry jam!
This post is just a nudge of encouragement for you to try something new. If you think of food storage as buying and storing, you might be missing some of the fun. Making your own foods and storing them is one of life's little pleasures. There is something about opening a jar of food you've preserved yourself that really boosts your confidence. Strawberry jam is a great place to start. It's pretty easy to do, with very simple directions inside the box of pectin. The window of opportunity is small with strawberries as the season lasts only 3 to 4 weeks, but it just began so you've got time!
Bigelow's Berry Farm in North Branch began picking on Monday, June 7th. If that's your neck of the woods, you can reach them at 810-688-2181. (Trust me, if you live a little further away, it's worth the drive.) There are lots of berry farms here in Michigan so ask around for one near you.
Take the plunge. Next November when the toast is warm and you pop open your very own jam, you'll be glad you did.
- Anne Burns